Questions & Answers

Questions & Answers about Tufts VETS

Q | What is the best time of day to arrive for emergency care?

A | The emergency room at Tufts VETS operates like a human emergency room. As such, there may be a wait to be seen by one of our emergency veterinarians. Pets are seen in the order that they arrive to the emergency room. However, please understand that if a critical patient arrives after you, they may be seen first based on severity of illness. Our front door is locked after hours; please ring the doorbell between 10 p.m. and 7:30 a.m. It may take us a moment to answer the front door at night as we may be working with our inpatients or speaking with a client.

Q | Can I bring my pet to Tufts VETS for routine care (heartworm testing, vaccines, dental prophylaxis)?

A | We provide ancillary specialty care to augment the care provided by your primary veterinarian. We recommend that you see your primary veterinarian for your routine pet health needs including heartworm testing, annual wellness bloodwork, dental prophylaxis and vaccines.

Q | Can I bring my pet to Tufts VETS for spay or neuter surgery?

A | As with wellness care, we do not perform routine spay or neuter surgery. In some cases, however, we can perform spay or neuter if your pet is undergoing another surgical procedure at our facility.

Q | Will my veterinarian receive copies of my medical record, bloodwork and x-rays?

A | A detailed record of your visit, testing performed, and medications dispensed is faxed to your primary veterinarian at the conclusion of your visit. Please ensure that we have the correct contact information for your primary veterinarian.

Q | My pet is hospitalized at Tufts VETS. When should I expect to be updated on his/her condition by my veterinarian?

A | Our doctors will update you daily by 11:00 a.m. or by a mutually agreed upon time. If you have not received a call by 11:00 a.m., or the mutually agreed upon time, please call. Be assured that you will receive a call immediately if there is an important change in your pet's condition.

Q | If my pet is hospitalized, will my veterinarian be kept up-to-date on my pet's care?

A | Referring veterinarians will be updated on their hospitalized patients. They may be updated more frequently if patients are critical or unstable. Your veterinarian is also able to call and discuss the case with a staff veterinarian at any time.

Q | I brought x-rays from my primary veterinary hospital. Will they be returned to my veterinarian?

A | All hardcopy (film) radiographs are returned to your veterinarian after they are reviewed by our veterinary radiologist. Radiographs provided on CD are not returned.

Q | Can I obtain refills on medications prescribed by my primary veterinarian?

A | As stated in Massachusetts state law, a valid client-patient relationship is required in order to prescribe medication to a veterinary patient. Therefore, your pet must be examined by one of our veterinarians in order for medication to be prescribed or refilled.

Q | Can I visit while my pet is hospitalized?

A | We encourage you to visit your pet while hospitalized at Tufts VETS during scheduled visiting hours. As there are other pets and their owners visiting at the same time, please understand that your veterinarian may not be immediately available to meet with you. Your pet may require medications and treatments during your visit; please allow the veterinary technicians to treat your pet as needed.

  • If your pet is too ill to be moved from the ICU, your visit will be limited to 15 minutes. If there are procedures being performed in the ICU, your visit may be delayed until the procedure is completed.
  • If you pet is stable and able to be moved from the ICU, your visit may occur in one of our private examination rooms. Please do not hesitate to let us know if we can answer any questions during your visit.

Q | At Tufts VETS you offer 24-hour care. Who will be with my pet overnight while hospitalized?

A | Tufts VETS is staffed by emergency veterinarians as well as a number of veterinary technicians throughout the night.